Publications & CV

Select Publications

In the works

§  Johnson, Z.F.,  D.R. Chavas, J.J. Jones, Y. Chikamoto, H.A. Ramsay, Impacts of zonal SST gradients on subtropical highs and implications on seasonal tropical cyclone landfall risk. Submitted to Journal of Climate.

§  Jones. J. J., and D.R. Chavas, Observed trends in subseasonal-to-seasonal Atlantic tropical cyclone activity under global warming. In Preparation.

Peer-Reviewed Articles


§  Jones, J. J., D. R. Chavas, and Z. F. Johnson, Inter-basin versus intra-basin sea surface temperature forcing of the Western North Pacific subtropical high’s westward extensions. JGR: Atmospheres, 

§  Klotzbach, P., J.J. Jones, K.M. Wood, M.M. Bell, E.S. Blake, S.G. Bowen, L-P Caron, D. R. Chavas, J.M. Collins, E.J. Gibney, C.J. Schreck III, R.E. Truchelut, The 2023 Atlantic Hurricane Season: An Above-Normal Season Despite Strong El Niño Conditions. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society


§  Takaya, Y., Caron, L. P., Blake, E., Bonnardot, F., Bruneau, N., Camp, J., ... & Zhan, R. (2023). Recent advances in seasonal and multi-annual tropical cyclone forecasting. Tropical Cyclone Research and Review.


§  Jones, J. J., M. M. Bell, P. J. Klotzbach, and E.A. Barnes (2022), Wintertime Rossby Wave Breaking Persistence in Extended-Range Seasonal Forecasts of Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Activity. J. Climate, 35(7), 21332147,


§  Jones, J. J., M. M. Bell, and P. J. Klotzbach (2020), Tropical and Subtropical North Atlantic Vertical Wind Shear and Seasonal Tropical Cyclone Activity. J. Climate, 33, 5413–5426,


§  Burgess, C.P., M.A. Taylor, N. Spencer, J. Jones, T.S. Stephenson (2018), Estimating Damages from Climate-Related Natural Disasters for the Caribbean at 1.5oC and 2oC Global Warming above Preindustrial Levels, Regional Environmental Change, 1-16,

§  Taylor, M. A., L.A. Clarke, A. Centella, A. Bezanilla, T.S. Stephenson, J.J. Jones, J.D. Campbell, A. Vichot, J. Charlery (2018), Future Caribbean Climates in a World of Rising Temperatures: The 1.5 vs. 2.0 Dilemma, J. Clim., 31, 2907-2926,


§  Brown, R.K., J.J. Jones, T.S. Stephenson, and M.A. Taylor (2017), Future Caribbean temperature and rainfall extremes from statistical downscaling with insights on summer predictability, Int. J. Climatology., 37, 4828-4845,


§  Jones, J.J., T. S. Stephenson, M. A. Taylor, and J. D. Campbell (2016), Statistical downscaling of North Atlantic tropical cyclone frequency and the amplified role of the Caribbean low-level jet in a warmer climate, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 121, 3741–3758, doi:10.1002/2015JD024342.


§  DeHart, J., J. Jones, P.J. Klotzbach, M.M. Bell (2018), The Destructive 2017 Atlantic Hurricane Season, Colorado Water (March/April 2018), 35-37,

Books/ Book Chapters

§  Taylor, Michael A., Jhordanne J. Jones, and Tannecia S. Stephenson (2016), Climate Change and the Caribbean: Trends and Implications In Climate Change and Food Security: Africa and the Caribbean, edited by Elizabeth Thomas-Hope, London: Routledge, pp 31-56.